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Knee Replacement Success Rate

Knee Replacement Success Rate In India | Orthopedician in Delhi

India has established itself as a global leader in medical facilities, providing high-quality care at reasonable costs. Its popularity is rapidly expanding due to its skilled and trained doctors, superior technology, and top healthcare infrastructure, all contributing to the increase in knee replacement success rates in India. There are numerous reasons why the knee replacement success rate is increasing every day in the country, and it is quickly becoming the most prevalent procedure in this field. 

Knee Replacement Surgery in Delhi- What is it?

Knee replacement is performed on an individual if he is ailing from severe knee pain, faces difficulty while standing or even resting, and cannot bend for sitting. Knee replacement surgery involves replacing a damaged knee with an artificial joint of metal alloys, polymers, and skin-friendly plastics.

Different Types of Knee Replacement Surgery

India has made tremendous advancements in the medical science field. Amongst many improvements, one such field is Orthopaedic Science – related to the musculoskeletal system. Various types of joint replacements or bone restructuring surgeries are involved in this field. In this section, our primary focus is knee replacement surgeries.  Knee replacement surgery is of 4 types:-

  • Total Knee Replacement

Complete knee arthroplasty, or TKR, is considered one of the most intensive and expensive procedures. The best knee surgeons in Delhi are highly skilled in treating and operating patients with extreme expertise and care.

  • Partial Knee Replacement

Partial knee replacement is also known as a unicompartmental replacement and is performed on patients where the inner side of the knee is affected by osteoarthritis.

  • Knee Cap Replacement

Also known as Patellofemoral arthroplasty, Knee cap replacement surgery is performed when the kneecap is affected by arthritis (one of the joint issues- usually in older age). The knee surgeons in Delhi replaced the damaged knee cap with a newer one and added some materials to keep the knee socket and cap in place.

  • Revision Knee Replacement

It is performed when the worn-out artificial joint is replaced by the new one or there is a failure in the alignment with the previous knee replacement surgery performed.

A study by the Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons found that 85-90% of patients with knee replacement can have normal mobility for approximately 15 years. In other terms, the knee replacement success rate is 9/10. 

The level of recovery and mobility highly depends on many factors, such as activity level, overall weight, and lifestyle. You should always be in regular contact with your knee replacement surgery doctor, and if any problem or uneasiness occurs, you should immediately seek expert advice.

Knee Replacement Cost In India

Knee replacement costs in India vary from city to city. It must be known that Tier-1 cities offer relatively costlier knee replacement surgery than Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities. There is absolutely no difference in expertise and procedure; what makes the difference is the cost of living in a particular city.

Knee surgeons in Delhi extend their expertise, costing Rs. 50,000(for one knee) to Rs. 5,00,000 (for both knees). 

A variety of factors determine Knee replacement costs in India. Some of them include—

  1. The procedure: A total knee replacement is more expensive than a partial replacement, and bilateral surgery is more costly than a unilateral replacement.
  2. The doctor’s experience, expertise, and specialty impact the surgery’s cost.
  3. The hospital’s facilities have a significant impact on overall expenses.

Now, let’s read about the benefits of knee replacement surgery.

Benefits of Knee Replacement Surgery

Owing to decades of improvements and advancements, the old method of knee replacement surgery is taken over by arthroscopic knee replacement. Along with a higher knee replacement success rate, it has various advantages due to its minimally invasive nature. Here are several significant advantages:

  • Compared to typical open surgery, the treatment requires only a few tiny incisions, resulting in faster recovery and less bleeding.
  • Arthroscopic knee surgery is minimally invasive, allowing you to return home within hours of the procedure rather than staying overnight in the hospital.
  • Many patients can resume employment and regular activities within a few days of the treatment, significantly benefiting people who want to return to their usual lives.
  • Arthroscopic procedures do not cut through healthy tissue to reach the problem location, reducing overall damage.
  • Because of the small incisions, there is little scarring following the treatment, which benefits those concerned about their appearance.
  • It is a safer approach because the small incisions minimize exposure to internal tissue.
  • Patients feel less discomfort after arthroscopic knee surgery than open surgeries, making recovery more comfortable.
  • Arthroscopic procedures cause less blood loss during surgery, lowering the dangers associated with significant bleeding.

Any kind of surgery gets a stamp of taboo in our nation, which needs to be corrected, given the learned and skilled medical practitioners available in different cities. Despite a slightly higher knee replacement cost in India, the knee replacement success rate is commendable. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and exercising is highly recommended to prevent your joints from getting rusted and rushing to doctors. 

For the best treatment from world-class skilled experts, you must visit The Bone Clinic for the best knee surgeons in Delhi. You can consult them regarding your musculoskeletal issues and the type of treatment you want. Always seek medical advice before taking any step related to your health. 

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